Art Collective
Stepping into Grand Avenue Club, visitors are met with colorful colleague artwork throughout the building. We offer a variety of opportunities for creativity and cultural enrichment.
Every Wednesday from 4:30 – 6:30 pm, members of all levels of experience are invited to join our evening art workshops.

We are also fortunate to be gifted tickets to local performances funded by the United Performing Arts Fund and other wonderful cultural collaborations. These experiences have included: A Christmas Carol, “Beyond Monet”, STEW, Gallery Night MKE, “Beyond Van Gogh”, and others.
All art workshops and outings are planned and organized by members and staff together during weekly Art Collective meetings. Past workshops include kinetic paper mobiles, alcohol ink, a giant bottle cap mural, and “Chihuly-inspired” glass sculptures,

Culinary Unit

Known informally as “the heart of Grand Avenue Club,” the Culinary Unit always brings our community together. Colleagues gather to start their day with a fresh and nutritious breakfast.
The bright and plant-filled space shines a light on busy mornings of our daily “huddle,” meal preparation, boisterous lunches, friendly conversation, and twice-weekly recreation.
All meals are planned, shopped, prepared, cooked, served, and enjoyed by members and staff together.
The unit caters our holiday & birthday parties. It is also where we recognize and celebrate major achievements (such as employment or education goals).
Our menu reflects a wide-variety of cultures and cooking techniques inspired by experience, excitement, and intrigue.
Writer’s Group
Every Friday at 2PM, colleagues gather together in our culinary unit for a creative writing session.
Prompts are given and colleagues are able express themselves through written word.


During Recreation hours, GAC has a room devoted to musical expression for all colleagues.
Instruments include drums, pianos, guitars, and more!
During lunch service, house made soups and hearty main dishes are available for purchase at an affordable cost. Most members are low income and often live in the zip codes that are considered “food deserts,” meaning unable to access fresh and affordable food within 1 mile of their home. For some members, our culinary unit provides the major or only meal they will receive that day.

GAC has a fitness center that is available to colleagues during designated periods such as recreation periods, lunch, or weekend hours.
Colleagues can utilize our cardio equipment, stretch, use handheld weights, and utilize various fitness machines to meet their own personal fitness goals.