Grand Avenue Club is divided into 4 separate units, or spaces, organized by the type of work needed to be done. Although units have designated areas, members are free to work in any unit, on any task, and change units as often as they want.

GAC’s first floor is shared by the Greeting, Marketing, & Development Unit and The Retail Management Unit. The second floor is home to our dining space and Culinary Unit. The third floor is our Membership, Education, & Employment Unit.

Each unit is essential to operating our Clubhouse. Many members choose to be very active in multiple units. Whether members are driven by the specific work being done or the  colleagues they work with, all are welcome.

The Clubhouse culture and structure ensures ample opportunity for there is more than enough work for everyone to be impactful.

Clubhouse staffing levels are purposefully kept low by design. We don’t create busy-work; staff rely on members to operate all aspects of the Clubhouse.

Members need staff and other members in order to complete the work, but even more importantly, the relationships that evolve through the work are the key ingredient in Clubhouse rehabilitation.

Members and staff as a community are accountable for prioritizing, organizing, and accomplishing the tasks that are important to make the Clubhouse successful. Relationships between members and staff develop naturally as we work together, side-by-side, carrying out the daily duties of the Clubhouse.

All GAC program staff have generalist roles in the Clubhouse; they are involved in all of our Clubhouse activities including the daily work responsibilities, evening social and recreational programs, employment and educational programs, reach out, and assisting with the advocacy needs of members.

Working closely together each day, members and staff learn each others’ strengths, talents, goals, and abilities. We develop real and lasting friendships. Because the design of a Clubhouse is much like a typical work or business environment, relationships develop in much the same way.

The Clubhouse is a non-clinical model by which staff engage with members as colleagues in important work and encourage members who may not yet believe in their own potential.

Staff do not become the voice for members and decide their goals for them. Staff help members find and/or strengthen their own voice and be proactive in their own recovery.