Donate Online
Use our secure online site to make a gift in support of Grand Avenue Club’s mission. You can choose to make a one-time gift or a recurring gift. You can also make a gift in Honor of or in Memory of a loved one.
Donate Stocks, Bonds, or Mutual Funds
Gifts of securities can include stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Charitable gifts of long-
term appreciated property can generate significant income tax benefits for the donor.
Gifts of appreciated securities have a double tax benefit. First, the donor receives an
income tax charitable deduction for the fair market value of the donated asset in most
cases. Second, the donor avoids any capital gains tax that would have been due on the
unrealized gain if the securities had been sold. This is a preferable tax result for the
donor, as opposed to selling the appreciated securities and donating cash to the charity.
To initiate a gift of securities, please contact:
Mary Heyrman, CPA
Business Manager
(414) 727-3360
We will provide you with detailed instructions to give to your stockbroker or investment
advisor to make the transfer.
Gifts by Will or Trust
You can include Grand Avenue Club as a beneficiary of your estate plan. By including
a gift to Grand Avenue Club in your Will or Trust, you can provide much needed support
as a memorial contribution. You can choose to make a gift of a sum of money, a
percentage of your estate, or a specific asset (e.g., a work of art or a piece of real
Consult your estate planning attorney to include a bequest to Grand Avenue Club in
your Will or Trust. Your attorney will make sure that the bequest reflects your intentions
for your gift. The bequest language should include the Grand Avenue Club’s correct
legal name. Example language to include in your Will or Trust is below.
Examples of gifts in your Will or Trust are:
Specific bequests make a gift of a specific dollar amount or specific assets
(e.g., securities, real estate, or artwork or other personal property).
Example Language: “I give, devise, and bequeath to the Grand Avenue
Club, Inc., a Wisconsin non-stock corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, or
any duly constituted successor thereto, property in an amount equal to
[insert dollar amount], to be used for its general purposes.”
Residuary bequests give all or a portion of the remainder of your estate after
payment of expenses and any specific amounts designated to other
beneficiaries. This is expressed as a percentage of the estate.
Example Language: “I give, devise, and bequeath to the Grand Avenue
Club, Inc., a Wisconsin non-stock corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, or
any duly constituted successor thereto, [insert percentage amount] of the
residue of my estate, to be used for its general purposes.”
Lifetime Gifts from IRAs (Qualified Charitable Distributions)
For certain donors, a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a great choice for giving
to the Grand Avenue Club. A QCD is a distribution of funds from your IRA (other than a
SEP or SIMPLE IRA) directly to a qualified charitable organization, such as the Grand
Avenue Club. Because the gift goes directly to the Grand Avenue Club without passing
through your hands, the dollar amount of the gift is excluded from your taxable income
up to a maximum of $100,000 annually, with some exceptions. Please consult your tax
advisor for information regarding your specific exceptions.
Individuals who are required to take money from their IRA but do not need it for their
living expenses can choose to make QCDs from their IRAs to support the Grand
Avenue Club.
To qualify to make a QCD, the IRA owner must be at least 70½ years old. As an
additional benefit, if you are required to take a required minimum distribution (RMD)
from your IRA, the QCD will count towards your annual RMD amount. QCDs made
prior to the age you are required to take a RMD from your retirement assets will not reduce RMDs for future years. Your tax advisor can provide additional information on
your situation.
It is important to note that a QCD can only be made from an IRA (other than a SEP or
SIMPLE IRA) and not from other forms of retirement accounts (e.g., 401(k) plans or
403(b) plans).
Your QCD must be made directly from your IRA custodian to the Grand Avenue Club on
your behalf. Contact your IRA custodian for instructions on how to initiate a QCD to the
Grand Avenue Club. Each financial institution has its own process.
The QCD should be made to the “Grand Avenue Club, Inc.”
Our federal tax Identification number is 39-1708177.
Estate Gifts from IRAs and Other Retirement Accounts
Retirement plans (e.g., IRAs, 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans) are an ideal vehicle for funding
charitable gifts to Grand Avenue Club at your death. The donation avoids both federal
estate taxes and income taxes, which could amount to a tax of more than 62% of the
retirement plan benefits.
For example, if you have designated your children to be the beneficiaries of $100,000 of
your retirement plan benefits and your estate is subject to federal estate taxes, your
children could lose $40,000 to federal estate taxes and as much as an additional
$22,200 to federal income taxes for a total reduction in benefits of $62,200. If, however,
you designate the Grand Avenue Club as the beneficiary of that $100,000, the full
amount will pass to Grand Avenue Club with no reduction in benefits. This allows you
to leave other, more tax-preferred assets to your children.
Making a gift to Grand Avenue Club from your retirement account is easy. All you need
to do is update the beneficiary designation on your IRA, 401(k) plan, or 403(b) plan.
Contact your IRA custodian or retirement plan administrator to request a beneficiary
designation form. You can choose to leave a lump sum amount or a percentage of the
List “Grand Avenue Club, Inc.” as the beneficiary and specify the amount or percentage.
Our federal tax Identification number is 39-1708177.
Donate Via In-Kind
If you believe you have something GAC could use whether that’s clothing, food, experience, specialized skills, or something else, please reach out to